Pregnancy and the coronavirus vaccines

The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is recommended during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the immune system is weaker than usual, and women are at increased risk from coronavirus.

Pregnant women are more likely to have severe coronavirus infection if they have underlying health conditions. Coronavirus can lead to complications such as early labour, low birthweight and stillbirth.

The coronavirus vaccine and pregnancy

The coronavirus vaccine is recommended in pregnancy. Vaccination is the best way to protect pregnant women and their babies against the known risks of coronavirus in pregnancy.

You and your unborn baby cannot catch coronavirus from the vaccine.

How can I get the vaccine?

Speak to your midwife about getting your coronavirus vaccine.

Or, you can go to a drop-in clinic, book an appointment online or phone the national vaccination helpline on 0800 030 8013.

Is the vaccine safe in pregnancy?

The coronavirus vaccines available in the UK have been shown to be safe and effective. Their safety and effectiveness continues to be checked while in use.

Breastfeeding advice

If you’re breastfeeding and you’re eligible to have the coronavirus vaccine due to a health condition or being a frontline health or social care worker, it's safe to have the vaccine.

Other vaccines during pregnancy

There are 2 other vaccines offered during pregnancy; flu and whooping cough. Find out more about the flu and whooping cough vaccines in pregnancy

Further information

If you have any questions about the risks and benefits of vaccination you should discuss these with your health professional.

Last updated:
26 September 2023