Denise's story

Denise describes her journey from having suicidal thoughts to recovery.

Denise talks about how she felt isolated and hopeless with no light at the end of the tunnel.

If you recognise these feelings, services like Breathing Space are there to listen when you're feeling alone. Samaritans are also there to listen to people with suicidal thoughts.

Sometimes people find it difficult to talk about their thoughts and feelings. Denise discusses how she needed help to open up and take the first steps on her recovery.

Denise also talks about how a drop-in service helped her. Eventually she was able to work, start new relationships and no longer needed support.

The SAMH information service can help you find local support.

Denise began to realise that recovery would include challenges which means there will be steps backwards as well as steps forward. With the support of others she was able to get past these bumps in the road.

The Mental Health Foundation has more information on the process of recovery.

Denise describes how she gets through dark times by distracting herself with crafts, creativity and using her hands. This allows her to focus her attention elsewhere.

Mind have useful suggestions on ways to distract yourself.

She also found her faith was a source of comfort and strength.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists has information on the importance of spirituality in people's lives.

Denise explains how, looking back on the last decade, she feels like a completely different person.

She is happier, stronger and has been able to regain trust in others.

Denise is now at a point where she wants to help others going through what she experienced. She knows one of the best ways to do this is by listening.

If you'd like someone to listen then you can speak to Breathing Space.

Read more about how to speak to others if you think they are suicidal

Denise explains that, while it can be difficult to trust people, there are people there who want to help you and care about you. They won't judge you.

You are not alone.

If you're unsure who to talk to, phone 111 and choose the mental health option